Laravel needs latest version of laravel to install and update dependencies in your laravel projects. To support this, use the below commands to upgrade the composor version in Ubuntu. To Update your OS dependencies sudo apt-get update To install the latest version of composer sudo curl -s | php […]

Hi Folks, Today we are going to go through the steps to increase the default allocated EBS Volume. EBS Volume is the storage option available to store your instance OS and files permantly in AWS. Each instance can be associated with one or more EBS volumes. Please note , EBS […]
Increasing EBS Volume in AWS

Winscp is graphical user interface for doing various file operations, deployment, server configuration on Linux VM easily. Kindly follow below steps to connect to the Linux VM hosted in public cloud. In my case, I used Oracle Cloud VM for example. Details of the Cloud Infrastructure: VM : Oracle Linux […]
SFTP to Oracle Cloud Linux Instance

Oracle EBS is shipped with its own data dictionary on top of standard Oracle database system catalog. It is accessible through tables in FND schema. EBS has 20k+ table across mutliple schema , which is not easy to remember or search. Below are the Tables which will provide information of […]
Oracle EBS FND Tables

Hi, In this blog post, lets see the java code to interact is RSA Authentication agent for Passcode code validation. You can use below code to create multifactor authentication for your systems. At the same time, even if you add interface code to SMS gateway or API to send passcode […]
Authentication of RSA Passcode :: RSA API using Java

Hi Viewers, Thanks for the visit. Today we will see about how to uninstall openshot editor in command line. Openshot video editor installed using ubuntu software manager will have issue in uninstall. Use below command to remove the software from command line. sudo apt-get remove openshot You will see the […]
Uninstall issue of Openshot video editor in Ubuntu :: Terminal

Bootstrap is one of the popular open source toolkit for developing responsive, feature rich UI framework build on top of jquery. While installing bootstrap using below npm command, $ npm install bootstrap --save issue is faced and it is resolved as mentioned below. Above error is due to the missing […]
Bootstrap installation issue using NPM [Solved]

Connect to your EC2 instance with SSH. Make a note of full old site URL and the new site URL. The old site URL is likely the public DNS name for your EC2 instance when you installed WordPress. The new site URL is the current public DNS name for your […]
Change your WordPress site URL in AWS using wp-cli

Step 1: Create an AWS Account you need to create your AWS account. You can sign up here. You’ll have to provide a credit card [International transaction enabled in case of india]and a phone number where you will be called as part of the online registration process for verification […]
Setting Up WordPress on Amazon Web Services

Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence: In My program, I was reading XML using InputStream and I was getting SAXException – Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence, whenever I have junk character or non ASCII character in my XML. Later I found […]