Yearly Archives: 2016
For those who love to experiment with fonts, instant messaging app WhatsApp has some good news in store! Facebook owned messaging service WhatsApp has announced a new update, supporting text in Bold and Italics. The users would be able to find the latest update in the chat window soon. It […]
WhatsApp offers Bold and Italics feature! Latest work on fonts

WhatsApp revealed that they will be withdrawing support for BlackBerry devices (BB10 included), Symbian 40, Symbian 60, Android 2.1 and 2.2 devices and Windows Phone 7.1 sometime this year. WhatsApp wrote that the market right now comprises of 99% Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8 and above devices. They said […]
WhatsApp to withdraw support for BlackBerry, Symbian and Windows Phone

Cab aggregator Uber Wednesday said it is evaluating options to have its own payment wallet as it finds the two-factor authentication system imposed by RBI “cumbersome” for riders while making payments through credit or debit cards. Amit Jain, the President of Uber India also said the app-based taxi service provider […]
Uber India Mulls Launching its Own Payment Wallet Service
Below are the enhancements in ORACLE 12C database datapump activities. NOLOGGING Option (DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING) The TRANSFORM parameter of impdp has been extended to include a DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING option. The default setting of “N” has no affect on logging behaviour. Using a value “Y” reduces the logging associated with tables and indexes during […]